Consulting Throughout The Project Cycle

Annette is your Project Management Guide

Unexpected hurdles and shifting resource availability are par for the course in an operations project involving compliance.

Having a steady hand to find the new path can make all the difference.

Get Started

Annette Johnston has a deep understanding of operations compliance activities, and a knack for keeping projects on course.   She can teach techniques that ensure that teams remain aligned and focused on YOUR business goal.   Whether it’s managing project milestones to include all required compliance activities, troubleshooting unforeseen challenges, or adapting to evolving demands, Annette brings a wealth of expertise and a proactive approach to ensure that your compliance project not only stays on track but thrives amidst change.

​Every project is different – whether there is need for retainers only for emergencies, or consulting on a regular schedule.

Here are some examples of the types of projects Annette can guide through:

  • Development
  • GMP First Lot
  • PPQ
  • First Lot to Stock for Products
  • Specify
  • Install
  • Qualify for Equipment

Call to discuss structure and pricing for days to months of coaching for your product cycle.

Meetings can be virtual, in person, or some combination.